
Activity of the SI “Derzhgruntokhorona”

The subject of activity of the SI “Derzhgruntokhorona” is:

development of proposals and implementation of a unified scientific and technical policy in the field of soil protection and fertility, rational use and environmental safety of agricultural land, environmental objects, ensuring the quality of products, raw materials, agrochemicals;

scientific, methodological and organizational support for state monitoring of soils and agrochemical certification of agricultural land (hereinafter referred to as agrochemical certification), measures for the preservation, reproduction, protection of soil fertility, as well as determining the quality and safety of products, raw materials, agrochemicals;

monitoring of soils on agricultural land in order to collect, analyze and process information about the qualitative state of soils and their erosion safety, soil contamination with heavy metals, radionuclides, residual amounts of pesticides and agrochemicals, and other toxic substances of man-made and natural origin;

conducting agrochemical certification to determine soil fertility indicators and the level of their contamination with toxic substances, as well as monitoring changes in these indicators due to economic activity;

production and issuance of an agrochemical passport of a field or land plot with a conclusion on the fertility and ecological state of soils and recommendations for carrying out measures aimed at improving soil fertility and preventing negative impacts, including anthropogenic ones;

conducting comprehensive and special observations on the state of soils and crop production at stationary control sites in order to study the processes of transformation and migration of biogenic and chemical substances in soils, as well as developing predictive models;

conducting ecological and reclamation surveys of soils on irrigated and drained lands;

research of the state of radioactive contamination of agricultural land and crop production in the territories contaminated as a result of the Chernobyl disaster and in the zones of influence of existing nuclear power plants, preparation of proposals, recommendations, technological projects for soil restoration and reduction of pollution to regulatory levels;

participation in monitoring of environmental objects, in particular, the study of the content of residual amounts of pesticides, agrochemicals, heavy metals and radionuclides in products and raw materials, surface waters intended for agricultural needs, as well as the development of recommendations for the prevention of pollution of these objects;

participation in monitoring of environmental objects, in particular, the study of the content of residual amounts of pesticides, agrochemicals, heavy metals and radionuclides in products and raw materials, surface waters intended for agricultural needs, as well as the development of recommendations for the prevention of pollution of these objects;

conducting research works in the field of soil protection and fertility, rational use and environmental safety of agricultural land, environmental objects, studying the effectiveness of the use of agrochemicals, green manure, plant residues, determining factors for improving the quality of products, raw materials;

conducting research related to the development of modern technologies for environmentally safe and rational use of agrochemicals of chemical and biological origin;

participation in the implementation of scientific, technical, technological and innovation policies, scientific achievements and best practices in the field of conservation, reproduction and protection of soil fertility, environmental safety of land;

development and implementation of scientifically based recommendations for ensuring the preservation and reproduction of soil fertility, rational use of agricultural land and the use of agrochemicals in agricultural production;

conducting a comprehensive analysis of the agroecological situation on agricultural land assessing and developing a forecast of possible changes in the state of soil fertility due to natural and anthropogenic factors;

складання прогнозних розрахунків потреб галузі рослинництва, в мінеральних і органічних добривах;

preparation of expert opinions on compliance with the legislation on pesticides and agrochemicals, safe use of plant growth regulators;

preparation of conclusions on the ecological state of land and soil fertility, their dynamics based on the agrochemical passport of a field or land plot to justify the introduction of an economic incentive mechanism when their condition improves or the application of sanctions when they worsen;

creation and functioning of the state and regional automated geoinformation system for maintaining a database of electronic data on the state of soils on agricultural land and an information and analytical system for developing measures in the field of soil fertility protection;

implementation of ecological and agrochemical zoning (zoning) of land according to the quantitative content of toxic pollutants (pesticides, heavy metals, radionuclides, etc.), macro – and microelements, humus and soil solution reactions, according to the degree of suitability of soils for growing agricultural crops;

preparation of agroecological justification of soil conformity;

development of soil-protective and environmentally safe technologies for growing agricultural crops;

carrying out works on certification of agricultural land (soils), including the introduction of organic farming;

organization and implementation of works on complex diagnostics of mineral nutrition of plants;

calculation of the balance of humus, soil nutrients and scientifically based demand for agrochemicals to ensure a deficit-free balance of these components;

determination of compliance of the quality characteristics of mineral fertilizers and other agrochemicals with technical conditions;

monitoring the balance of demand and supply of agrochemicals;

рozroblenie, taking into account the data of the agrochemical passport, agrochemical cartograms, design estimates and technological documentation for chemical soil reclamation, the use of agrochemicals, other measures aimed at reproducing and protecting soil fertility, recommendations for growing high yields of agricultural crops, as well as the implementation of author’s supervision of their implementation;

implementation of soil and agrochemical survey and development of projects for laying perennial plantings;

development of design and technical documentation and land management works aimed at protecting soils from erosion, compaction, secondary salinization, clogging with household and industrial waste, contamination with chemical and radioactive substances due to man-made processes;

development of scientifically based recommendations and measures to ensure the reproduction of soil fertility in the elimination of the consequences of negative processes;

carrying out land bonitation and forming quality indicators of land cadastre objects;

participation in the development of soil maps;

development of scientifically based crop rotations;

development of standard soil samples and provision of them to structural divisions;

conducting operational and arbitration analyses to determine the quality and safety of agrochemicals, products, feed and raw materials;

implementation of operational studies of feed quality during harvesting, determination of their chemical composition and nutritional value, and conducting a complete zootechnical analysis during their storage;

providing approval for the import of plant growth regulators to the customs territory of Ukraine;

preparation, organization and conduct of auctions and auctions of agricultural land;

participation in conducting inspections of business entities on issues falling within the competence of the institution;

preparation of expert opinions, initiation and participation in the consideration of court cases on violations of the legislation of Ukraine on pesticides and agrochemicals, deterioration of soil quality indicators in the implementation of production activities;

provision of information from the automated Geoinformation system and electronic data banks in accordance with the procedure established by law;

implementation of measures to preserve and protect data banks on the state of soils on agricultural land;

conducting information and educational activities in the field of soil protection, rational use and environmental safety and improving their fertility;

preparation and participation in competitions and programs of international technical and financial assistance, implementation of international projects, programs subject to guaranteed contracts and compliance with international legislation;

conducting foreign economic activity;

creation of intellectual property rights, including licenses, patents, and copyrights for scientific developments, with their subsequent introduction into production;

participation in the organization and conduct of advanced training exercises for managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises, institutions and organizations;

participation in special-purpose courses organized by the state Employment Service, in accordance with the needs of the labor market and prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex;

provision on a contractual basis of information and advisory services to land users, landowners and subjects of evaluation activities on the rational use, protection of agricultural land, improvement of product quality and safety and the current state of soils;

preparation, according to agrochemical certification data, of expert opinions on soil compliance with the requirements for granting the status of a special zone for the production of raw materials used for the production of children’s and dietary food products;

conducting an expert examination of land management projects and land assessment works within their competence;

carrying out Land Management and land assessment works;

performing topographic, Geodetic and cartographic surveys and works on soil and other land surveys;

performing land management works;

conducting Metrological verification of devices and equipment for analytical studies of the quality and environmental safety of soils, products and raw materials, and environmental objects;

providing conclusions for the implementation of Project works on Land Management and in the process of regulating other land relations;

participation in exhibitions, fairs and other public demonstrations of achievements at the international, state and regional levels;

participation and holding of conferences, symposia, seminars, meetings, round tables, including international ones;

Development, publication and distribution of scientific collections, methodological recommendations, reference, regulatory and technical, informational and advertising products on the activities of the institution;

development of technical documentation for the manufacture of scientific and technical products according to the profile of the institution’s activities; /p>

provision of other paid services on issues within the competence of the institution.

When conducting analytical research, the institution purchases, stores and uses precursors in compliance with legal requirements.

all types of activities that, according to the legislation of Ukraine, require special permits or licenses are carried out by the institution only after receiving them.