Paid services

The state institution “Institute of soil protection of Ukraine” is a scientific institution that carries out agrochemical survey of agricultural land for agrochemical, agrophysical, radiological and toxicological indicators – there is more than 25 names). Also in the structure of the institution there is a Department of land management and land assessment and a laboratory of land management, mapping and land assessment, which have a license to perform land management and land assessment works and which employ certified land management engineers.

 The SI “Derzhgruntokhorona” performs the following types of work on request:

Production of land management projects that provide ecological and economic justification for crop rotation and land management

Production of land management projects for allotment of land plots

Production of land management projects for the removal, transfer and use of the fertile soil layer

Production of land management projects for the reclamation of disturbed land, land of unproductive land, protection of land from erosion, improvement of agricultural land, increase of soil fertility

Production of technical reports on the survey of soil cover of land plots

Production of technical documentation on land management for establishing the boundaries of land plots in kind (on the ground)

Production of technical documentation on land management for the division and consolidation of land plots

Production of technical documentation on the normative monetary valuation of land plots

Carrying out land inventory works, etc.

To find out the cost of work, as well as to get advice and additional information, please contact the following phone number:

Тел.: (044) 356-53-21
